Assalaam Alaikum,
Since January 20th, we have witnessed law enforcement carry out mass raids across the country, terrorizing, rounding up, and deporting thousands. The pathway to asylum has been blocked. Families have been separated. Vulnerable communities are wracked by uncertainty and fear. Communities have mobilized en masse and, at Muslim Advocates, we are working to support those heroic efforts and to combat this administration’s wanton targeting of immigrants.
In 2017, President Trump issued the first Muslim and African Bans. Thousands of travellers from predominantly Muslim countries were detained, humiliated, and cut off from loved-ones and opportunities. Over 40,000 people were denied visas due to the Muslim and African bans, which caused a 94 percent drop in Muslim refugee admissions between January and November 2017. Eight years later, President Trump is poised to enact a potentially broader travel ban and his administration might target individuals with legal status simply because they are citizens of banned countries or because his administration considers them “hostile.”