From Sen. Chris Murphy <[email protected]>
Subject Mark my words: Republicans are going to regret confirming Kash Patel.
Date February 21, 2025 12:09 AM
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[1]U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

Kash Patel is a joke.

Many of my Republican colleagues know this, but earlier today, they confirmed him anyway — despite his lack of qualifications, his stated desire to politicize the justice system, and the ongoing Constitutional crisis caused by Donald Trump.

I told my Republican colleagues that Kash Patel would be the confirmation vote they would regret more than any other.

So before we voted I made sure they were all clear-eyed on the choice they were making. I want to share with you what I laid out because I think this is really important and dangerous territory for our country.

Kash Patel spent the last four years taking the most extreme positions within the world of MAGA to make money for himself.

He claims he has proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the FBI was behind the January 6 insurrection.

The man Republicans just confirmed to lead the FBI believes that the very same organization secretly organized the violent assault on the Capitol. That’s bananas, and Senate Republicans know it is a lie.

He wrote a book called Government Gangsters and ended it with an appendix titled “Enemies List.” It’s straight out of the McCarthy Era. And shocker, everyone he deems an enemy of America is a Democrat or a Republican who dared to criticize Donald Trump.

The rule of law has no meaning if it’s just what the leader determines the law should be on any given day.

This vote is a clear marker that Republicans are choosing loyalty to Donald Trump over loyalty to our country, our Constitution and the rule of law.

I refuse to be silent. Plenty of people in Washington are probably getting annoyed with me, and I simply do not care. The stakes of this moment demand I do everything I can within my power — whether it’s using the bully pulpit and media attention or slowing down Senate business as much as possible — to wake up the Senate to start addressing the crisis that is unfolding in front of our eyes.

My loyalty is to you and the oath I took when I was sworn into the Senate in January.

If you appreciate my approach in this moment, I hope you will consider making a contribution to my campaign. Every donation, no matter how big or small, helps show my colleagues this is the kind of leadership you expect in this moment.

Thank you for all you do.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy

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