This was not an ordinary week for the Jewish community. BDS-supporting Democrat congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib partnered with terrorist aligned anti-Semites to plan a trip to Israel instead of going on a bipartisan congressional delegation organized by Democrat House leadership. Stand Up To The Anti-Semites In The Democrat Party - Support The RJC That is the foundation for everything that transpired these last few days. The rest is is just Monday Morning Quarterbacking. The intent of the two congresswomen was to use Israel as a platform to bolster the anti-Semitic BDS movement, a movement dedicated to destroying Israel. The way we see it, there was only one side to be on – that of the vibrant and robust democracy of Israel, a nation with religious tolerance and ethnic diversity like no other in the region. For decades, the most prominent mainstream American Jewish organizations promised to stand up for Israel and stand up to BDS. They broke their promises. We kept our promise. In fact, we will always keep our promise to support Israel! You can be sure that this issue isn’t going away. In fact, Congresswoman Talib spent Friday night with Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – perhaps the most left-wing, radical, BDS-supporting, anti-Israel organization in the world! Will you support the most prominent American Jewish organization that kept its promise to stand up for Israel?
- Matt