Friend — the Trump administration has moved to cancel the overarching regulations that enforce the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
This would overturn decades of environmental protections. NEPA is the law requiring that the government consider the environmental impact of its decisions and protects citizens’ right to weigh in on projects that could harm their communities.
The Trump administration is trying to overturn NEPA without allowing for public feedback. The environmental movement cannot let that happen.
But the truth is that LCV’s campaigns rely on YOUR support — not corporate polluters’ profits. It’s such an important moment that a group of donors has agreed to TRIPLE MATCH all gifts, which means your support can go 3X as far.
This is a direct attack on YOUR rights and the rights of EVERY community in the country to have their voices heard on projects and decisions that affect you and your environment. And speaking up in opposition to actions that threaten our health and wellbeing is one of our most fundamental duties.
Trump’s strategy is to overwhelm us. Combined with the Trump administration’s illegal freeze on federal grants for wildly popular environmental programs — and their unprecedented, lawless purge of environmental agencies — they’re deliberately trying to “flood the zone.”
That is, they’re trying to act so quickly and with so many attacks that their opponents can’t keep up. This means that their efforts to remove ordinary people’s rights to protect their communities and allow corporate polluters to write the rules might escape people’s notice.
In short, Trump and the big polluters backing him are counting on you being so overwhelmed that you ignore this attack on your rights.
The environmental movement was able to stop some of the worst attacks on the environment during Trump’s first term. We blocked pipelines. We saved public lands. We advanced clean energy — and we did it because of supporters like YOU.
So are we going to ignore their attacks? I don’t think so.