THE TOP NEWS IN MARIJUANA LAW REFORM — Volume 28, Issue 10 The Trusted Leader in Detox since 2000
NORML News of the Week


Volume 28   •   Issue 10   •   March 06, 2025

Green marijuana buds spill out of an open bottle of medical cannabis sitting on the counter. Behind the open bottle are glass jars of other medications, cannabis vape pens, and a joint.

Study: Cannabis Consumption Associated With Opioid Cessation in Polydrug Users

"Our findings add to the growing evidence supporting the potential benefits of cannabis use among people who use drugs," researcher concluded.

The sun sets behind cannabis plants. In the foreground, a hand holds a dropper full of cannabis oil.

Clinical Trial: Hemp-Derived Cannabinoids Improve Sleep Quality

Hemp-derived cannabinoid supplementation may be a "simple, effective, and well‐tolerated alternative to improve sleep quality."



A person's arm is shown handcuffed to a cannabis plant representing marijuana criminalization

Cannabis Consumers’ Rights Are Under Attack Across the US

In Republican-led states like Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, and Ohio, lawmakers are pushing to recriminalize marijuana and those who consume it. In Democrat-led states like California, Maryland, Michigan, and New Jersey, lawmakers are seeking to drastically hike marijuana taxes.



A map of the US with states shaded green to represent if marijuana-related legislation is pending there
A glass pipe filled with cannabis and a cannabis bud rest atop a map of Texas featuring the city of Dallas

Texas: Judge Denies Effort To Enjoin Dallas' Voter-Approved Marijuana Depenalization Ordinance

To date, none of the Attorney General's lawsuits have been successful.

A jar of legal cannabis concentrate rests on a cannabis leaf next to a stainless steel implement

Montana: Opponents of THC Limit Bill Outnumber Proponents by More Than 2 to 1 During Legislative Hearing

Witnesses also pushed back against language in the bill equating the availability of higher-THC products with slavery.



NORML works to protect responsible consumers every day

Marijuana consumers are under siege. In recent weeks, legislators across the nation have introduced multiple bills to recriminalize marijuana and roll back your rights.

Help NORML fight back against a powerful minority that wants to turn millions of responsible consumers back into criminals.
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