Plus ABC News dives deep into an IJ eminent domain case. | View in browser ([link removed] )
Institute for Justice updates
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Private Solutions
A Private Emergency Shelter Secures Its Future
The Flathead Warming Center secured a major victory in its fight to continue providing life-saving services. Following a months-long legal battle, Kalispell, MT, agreed to permanently reinstate the shelter’s conditional use permit as part of a legal agreement. The settlement also includes a public apology from the city. This win is part of IJ's work ensuring people can use private property in safe and productive ways, including to address public problems.
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Animal Sanctuary Kimberly Dunckel ([link removed] )
Zoning Abuse
North Carolina Animal Sanctuary Will Appeal After Court Upholds City Ban
Fairytale Farm Animal Sanctuary will appeal after a state court ruled that Winston-Salem can restrict the nonprofit from operating. With IJ's help, sanctuary owner Kimberly Dunckel sued the city after it shut down Fairytale Farm—a refuge for abused and neglected donkeys, goats, rabbits, ducks, and more—for allowing visitors to the rural property.
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Occupational Licensing
New Book Uncovers Massive Failures At Licensing Boards
Nearly 1 in 4 Americans needs a government license to do their job. The consequences for working without a license can include fines and even jail time. Licensing boards have a lot of power, but the public rarely sees their work or thinks about how it affects their lives. Over on Forbes, IJ's Andrew Wimer discusses a new book taking a deep look into the work of licensing boards.
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WATCH from ABC News: Black family fights railroad’s eminent domain claim on ancestral land ([link removed] )
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IJ Podcasts
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Beyond the Brief: Government Caught Outlawing Private Charity
For centuries, people have helped their neighbors by providing food, shelter, and more to people in need. But all too often, the creativity and generosity of ordinary people conflicts with government regulations. That’s why IJ defends those providing private solutions to public problems.
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Short Circuit: I Like Old Property
Long-time friend of IJ and property rights lawyer Robert Thomas returns to discuss a recent North Carolina case where the legislature revived some claims after a statute of limitations had lapsed. Was that the taking of a “vested right”?
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