Hi, I’ve got some exciting news for you: Today, we are launching a second show called More To The Story. If you like Reveal, you’ll love this. I’ll let our CEO Monika tell you more…

—Al Letson

Hi Revealer,

I’m thrilled to tell you about our brand new podcast: More To The Story.

Al Letson’s going to keep hosting Reveal, which drops every weekend with an investigation from our newsroom and our partners. But those investigations often take months, sometimes years to put together, and some of the most important stories of this moment can’t wait that long. The time to figure out what matters and what’s worth fighting for (or against) is now. And that’s what Al and the rest of the team will be doing with this podcast: bringing you in-depth, honest, sometimes uncomfortable, and sometimes funny (yes!) conversations about the stories that really matter. You can listen to the first episode here. As Al promises: “This is our space. You and me. We’re going to ask the hard questions. Together.”

More To The Story premieres today and will come to you every Wednesday in the same feed where you also get those great Reveal investigations. I highly recommend subscribing on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app today, because listening to Al’s voice instantly calms you down, makes you think, and helps you understand stuff. And, boy, do we all need that right now. 


Monika Bauerlein
The Center for Investigative Reporting

P.S. It’s no small thing to be able to invest in getting a new show like this off the ground—especially as other media outlets around the country are contracting or shuttering. Fortunately, we’ve always had support from so many readers and listeners who step up to help pay for the journalism they rely on. My hope is that you’ll join those ranks today.

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