Dear John,
We want to take a moment to call out the horrific police brutality against George Floyd, as well as many other Black Americans who continue to be victimized in the name of “law and order.” Black Americans deserve to feel safe and valued in their own communities, and over and over it’s made clear that many of the people tasked with serving and protecting every member of the community choose between protecting some members and committing violence on others based on the color of their skin.
We wish to amplify the statement made yesterday by New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, who stated, “The residents of New Jersey should rest assured that we will never tolerate the types of police practices that resulted in Mr. Floyd’s death....We take police-misconduct allegations seriously, and we are committed to ensuring justice and accountability for every resident of this state.” Until the policies of every state and city reflect the reality of the aspirations laid out above, we are falling short in our duty to protect every human in our society.
We need to fight for change now, and you don’t need to be a person of color to take action. We must come together to fight for change and be real allies to communities of color. When we stand up, speak out and take our ideals to the streets, we can effect real change.
This is why we are asking that you join us this Saturday, May 30th at 7 PM in supporting the Morristown chapter of Black Lives Matter in a socially distant car procession and vigil to show our support for those who were recently brutalized. Please register for the event through this link as there is limited space.
The hosts ask that everyone respect CDC social distancing guidelines and wear a mask or face covering.

WHAT: Black Lives Matter Morristown Car Procession & Vigil
WHEN: Saturday, May 30th, 7 PM
WHERE: Morristown High School, 50 Early St, Morristown