Last night Trump delivered a snarling bloody-jawed Nazi declaration in which his every word was celebrated by the Republi-fascist Party. He boasted his "accomplishments" including terrorizing immigrants, endangering trans people, destroying the environment and disregarding science, purging the federal government, threatening any country that doesn't submit and so much more.
They demanded decorum as Trump viciously and relentlessly attacked the Democratic Party and with the exception of Rep. Al Green, the Democratic Party willingly obliged. There can be no decorum with fascism, there can only be defiance. There can be no conciliation with fascism, only refusal.
We are on a mission to mobilize the decent people to fill the streets with the urgent demand The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go! You are needed now to change the course of history, to join the fight for the future.

In stark contrast to Trump's fascist speech of unrestrained violence, brutality and bigotry we gathered people in protest just north of The Capitol. Area residents were joined by people who flew in and drove in from across the country to reject and repudiate Trump’s fascist speech to Congress. People from a wide range of backgrounds, with widely divergent political views, stood side by side to denounce Trump as the fascist that he is and to demand that the whole fascist Trump Regime must go! It was a microcosm of the kind of movement that must grow rapidly starting yesterday.

Have a listen to clips of the speech given by Sunsara Taylor co-founder of Refuse Fascism in D.C. yesterday (You can see more on our social media @RefuseFascism)

This movement needs to grow in size and strength refusing to stop until we create the kind of profound political crisis such that Trump cannot govern the country, implement his fascist program, or maintain his hold on power. But we can't do this without YOU!
>> DONATE as much as you can to organize mass opposition, to amplify the demand The Fascist Trump Regime Must Go nationwide and mobilize people to join this urgent cause
Refuse Fascism relies entirely on volunteers and individual donations. Let's do this!

>> Participate in Refuse Fascism International Women's Day Protests Nationwide this Saturday March 8 to STOP the War on Women & LGBTQ People! In the Name of Humanity, we Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!
>> VOLUNTEER, lend your talents and time to Refuse Fascism wherever you are
>> SUPPORT and spread the imperative by ordering
stickers | beanies | t-shirts + more t-shirts, hoodies + More here

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To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 2 East 28th Street #321, New York NY 10016-7402