Ken Paxton is using our hard earned tax payer money to fund his corrupt lawsuits–not just to defend his enterprise but to attack Texans, directly. Paxton resorts to this because he's learned bullying works. Over 100 lawsuits against the Biden administration blocking urgent issues that could have helped Texans, including voting rights, and environmental protection.
Last year, Paxton added Ground Game Texas to his list of targets, filing the first of several lawsuits to stop our democratically elected marijuana decriminalization policies across the state.
But we're in good company. Paxton is attacking groups that make real change for the better in Texas. Texas Future Project reported this week, “Tuesday, lawmakers pressed Ken Paxton’s office on its refusal to disclose how often it has denied legal defense to state agencies. At the same time, his office has been diverting taxpayer dollars toward outside counsel while ramping up politically motivated investigations into nonprofit organizations.”
Here’s the good news: We’re fighting back. And we’re winning.
Judges in Travis, Hays, and Dallas Counties have ruled against Paxton’s attempts to overturn the will of the voters. Every time we win at the ballot box, we build power, engage voters, and send a clear message: Texas belongs to the people, not corrupt politicians.
Let’s show Paxton that grassroots Texans fight back–and win!
Ground Game Texas
Ground Game Texas is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Paid for by Ground Game Texas. Contributions to Ground Game Texas are not tax deductible.
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