Dear MoveOn member,
We won't mince words. Right now, there’s a serious threat looming in Congress that will impact nearly all of us.
Republicans in the House passed a budget resolution that would propose substantial cuts to federal programs that MILLIONS of Americans rely on, especially some of our most vulnerable communities, like seniors, veterans, children, people with disabilities and low-income families.1 It's not hyperbole: Substantial cuts to these programs would put millions of lives at risk and deepen the already significant struggles many people are facing under Trump's economy.
That was the bad news. But the good news is, we have a small window of opportunity to make it crystal clear how deeply opposed we the people are to their plan to rip away health care and economic benefits from everyday people, just so that their ultra-wealthy friends can get tax breaks. But to do so, we need your help.
Will you sign up to join a phonebank TOMORROW at 6-8 p.m. ET/3-5 p.m. PT to call MoveOn members in key states and districts to urge their representatives to fight any substantial cuts to Social Security and Medicaid?
We cannot afford to turn our backs on people who rely on Medicaid for health care or Social Security for retirement and disability. All people deserve to live with dignity. These programs aren't just numbers on a budget line—they are the lifelines for people across this country to live another day.
Medicaid provides health care for tens of MILLIONS of Americans, including children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Cuts to Medicaid would strip away health care coverage from those who need it most, devastating millions.2 Social Security is the primary source of income for nearly 70 million retirees and people with disabilities.3 Republicans need to answer for the vote they made to signal these cuts were okay, and hear from all of us that we will not accept cuts to Social Security or Medicaid.
Join a phonebank TOMORROW at 6-8 p.m. ET/3-5 p.m. PST to talk to like-minded MoveOn members and urge them to call their representative and fight for Medicaid and Social Security.
All of us deserve security, investment, and care. We cannot let politicians make decisions behind closed doors that will hurt our families and communities. Join the phonebank tomorrow night—and feel solidarity with dozens of other people looking to make a difference in this fight to safeguard our communities.
Thanks for all you do.
–Nakia, Toni, Cecilia, Jensine, and the rest of the team
1. "House Votes to Adopt Blueprint for Massive Bill to Slash Medicaid and SNAP Funding, Extend Tax Cuts Primarily Benefiting High-Income Households and Corporations," National Low Income Housing Coalition, March 3, 2025
2. "House GOP Eyeing Cuts of Nearly One-Third in Projected Federal Medicaid Spending," KFF, January 21, 2025
3. "Fact Sheet: Social Security," Social Security Administration, accessed March 3, 2025
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