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Some stories changed the world. Some moments and people shaped journalism itself.
In honor of Poynter’s 50th anniversary, we’ve launched The Poynter 50 ([link removed]) —a look back at 50 consequential media moments and figures from the past five decades and their lasting impact on the future of journalism.
From the rise of 24-hour news to the release of "All the President's Men" to the digital revolution, this project explores transformative moments that redefined our industry. Some reshaped journalism overnight, while others quietly laid foundations for change that would only be recognized years later.
Our first entry highlights CNN’s groundbreaking coverage of the Gulf War in 1991 ([link removed]) . Throughout the year, we'll share more of these pivotal stories and welcome your reactions and suggestions ([link removed]) as we examine not just how we got here, but where we're headed next.
Read on to discover Poynter’s latest training opportunities for journalists.
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** Beat Academy: Immigration (2025)
Online webinar
March 27, 2025
1 – 2:15 PM Eastern
This comprehensive immigration webinar provides practical insights from experienced reporters and policy experts on covering immigration policy under the Trump administration with accuracy and depth. Participants will also gain eligibility for an exclusive El Paso workshop and reporting grants of up to $7,500.
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The Poynter Leadership Academy (June 2025)
In-person training
June 2-6 2025, St.Petersburg, Florida
This immersive, five-day program provides experienced managers and leaders with the tools and strategies to engage with their teams more effectively, communicate their strategic vision and steer their organizations toward success. Apply by March 24, 2025.
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Lead with Influence (September 2025)
Online workshop series
September 10, 2025– October 1, 2025
This is an interactive, virtual training for leaders who manage big responsibilities — such as processes, products or platforms — and have no direct reports. Apply by July 31, 2025.
LEARN MORE AND APPLY ([link removed])
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Poynter ACES Advanced Certificate in Editing
Self-directed course
Start anytime
$650 or $500 for ACES members.
Building on the skills in the introductory and intermediate certificates, the Poynter ACES Advanced Certificate in Editing is a seven-part certification program that engages participants in the most advanced facets of editing. Delve deeper into artificial intelligence, developmental editing, developing style guides and building trust and career resilience with this new program, designed for 2025.
ENROLL NOW ([link removed])
Grant Writing for Journalists
Online, self-directed course
Learn the ins and outs of applying for grants to support your journalism, from developing a project or program to measuring its success. Cost: Free. Enroll anytime ([link removed]) .
Work-Life Chemistry
Six-week newsletter course
Kristen Hare, who teaches and covers local news for Poynter, has spent years preaching this popular reframe for work-life balance. In this course, she'll walk you through discovering your formula, building it for growth and using it to combat burnout.
Cost: $50. Enroll anytime ([link removed]) .
Immigration resources
Tip sheet and online self-directed course
Zita Arocha is a bilingual journalist, writer and educator who's offering her decades of expertise covering immigration to Poynter learners through her Immigration Matters ([link removed]) tip sheets and Understanding U.S. Immigration from the Border to the Heartland ([link removed]) , a free six-part, self-directed course.
Cost: Free.
Poynter ACES Certificates in Editing
Self-directed online courses
Our Introductory Certificate helps you achieve greater communications clarity; learn how to embrace accuracy and verification; gives you ways to perfect your grammar, word use and style; and imparts the skills you need to make you the kind of editor people are hungry to work with.
Cost: $150 or $99 for ACES members.
The Intermediate Certificate goes deeper into topics like grammar, working with writers, ethics, law and tech, offering a thorough grounding in the skills editors need to succeed in today's news, corporate and freelance environments.
Cost: $250 or $175 for ACES members. Learn more ([link removed]) .
Search our job board ([link removed]) for opportunities in the industry — see examples below.
• Deputy Managing Editor ([link removed]) , VTDigger, Montpelier, Vermont
Reporter ([link removed]) , CherryRoad Media, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota
News Reporter ([link removed]) , Maine Public Broadcasting, Lewiston, Maine
SEARCH FOR JOBS ([link removed])
• A new book is training the next generation of journalists — before they even hit high school ([link removed]) , by Amaris Castillo
Seven things to know about the student press ([link removed]) , by Josh Moore and Janet Ewell
• In a nation of news deserts, are there news rainforests, too? If so, where? ([link removed]) , by Rick Edmonds
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