Email from 40 Days for Life Flailing even in the blue states 40 Days for Life starts TODAY! Find the vigil nearest to you and sign up to pray at John, Pro-lifers in 660 cities worldwide hit the streets this morning to begin peacefully praying for an end to abortion as part of the largest Lenten 40 Days for Life campaign ever. It looks like at least a few of those cities won't finish the vigil...for the best possible reason. The Planned Parenthood abortion facilities in Bloomington and Decatur, Illinois, are scheduled to close FOREVER! The Bloomington Police Department reached out to 40 Days for Life to share the good news--and praise for Daniel, the local vigil leader. "I had a meeting last year with Daniel...while he was organizing the last vigil," wrote the officer. "He came well prepared and asked very good questions. ... I was very impressed with your organization and particularly [Daniel]." When Planned Parenthood can't keep its doors open in the most pro-abortion state in the Midwest, it shows that peaceful prayer works everywhere. Find your nearest 40 Days for Life vigil and sign up to pray: Want to place your local 40 Days for Life vigil in the spotlight? Send your best photos and campaign stories to
[email protected] for a chance to be featured in a 40 Days for Life email. Aurora, Colorado Speaking of Planned Parenthood struggling in abortion-friendly states, things aren't looking good for the abortion giant in the Denver suburbs. Lisa in Aurora said the Planned Parenthood where her team prays has been closed since December: "The parking lot is completely vacant, and they don't even have the medical box hanging outside of their door any more." Lisa is leading a 40 Days for Life campaign to make this temporary closure permanent. Ann Arbor, Michigan Longtime leader Sandie reported that the large Planned Parenthood facility near the University of Michigan campus where her team prays has been temporarily closed since early January for construction. "There are hardly ever any construction vehicles parked outside," Sandie shared. "They anticipated reopening in four weeks." But the doors remain closed! Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus." --Luke 1:30-33 God, we ask you to be with every expectant mother. Give them the courage of Mary to say yes to your divine will, even in the most unexpected circumstances. Help us to notice women in need and embrace every mother facing an unplanned pregnancy. Amen. Here again is the link to find your closest 40 Days for Life vigil: For life, Shawn Carney President & CEO, 40 Days for Life View this email as a webpage. 40 Days for Life | 4112 East 29th Street | Bryan, TX 77802 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice