SIGN: To President Zelenskyy, from embarrassed Americans!
Dear MoveOn member,
My name is John Pavlovitz and I'm an author and activist. Like you and much of the nation, I watched last week's shameful confrontation between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President Donald Trump, and Vice President JD Vance unfold. And now, President Trump is suspending military aid to Ukraine, a devastating and disastrous move that will hurt the Ukrainian people the most.1 I feel both tremendous grief and fierce anger witnessing our leadership's abhorrent treatment of President Zelenskyy.
On Friday, I immediately took to my Substack to express what was in my heart, and tens of thousands read and shared it on their social media profiles. As much grief and anger I was feeling, I was in equal force inspired by our collective compassion and care. As I saw the massive expression of affinity from around the nation and the world, I wanted to take action so that we, the people, could show and express our unified support for President Zelenskyy and solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's war against Ukraine has threatened the safety, democracy, and freedom of the Ukrainian people. President Trump and Vice President Vance have shown a complete lack of respect, empathy, and diplomacy. Together, we must make it clear to the Ukrainian people and the world that the actions of our leaders do not represent the American people.
Over the past two years, everyday people have been showing up in support of Ukraine in both big demonstrations and small acts—including displaying the Ukrainian flag, publicly advocating for peace and diplomacy, and denouncing the devastation and violence caused by Putin. We cannot allow the indefensible actions of our government to eclipse our overwhelming solidarity.
The people of Ukraine deserve sovereignty, safety, and to live freely. And together, we can continue to advocate for that future, and let President Trump and Vice President Vance know that we will not sit back as they bulldoze over world leaders and allies. We demand better.
Since last week's meeting, leaders around the world have spoken out to affirm their backing of Ukraine, including from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Canada, Spain, and countless other nations.2 It is important that the voices of the American people join in. We do not have to cower to this administration—we can continue to demonstrate our values through our finances, our actions, and our voices.
May the Ukrainian people be protected, may their nation endure, and may our nation transcend our leaders so that we can all arrive on the other side of these incredibly dark days in the dawn of a world that will be more compassionate and beautiful than this one.
Thanks for all you do.
–John Pavlovitz
1. "Why Is Trump Pausing Aid to Ukraine? What to Know." The New York Times, March 4, 2025
2. "World reacts after Donald Trump, JD Vance berate Ukraine's Zelenskyy," Al Jazeera, March 1, 2025
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