Dear John,

PROTESTS ARE TAKING PLACE ALL ACROSS THE LAND SPARKED BY THE RECENT SPATE OF RACIST MURDERS AND THE COUNTRY IS AT A TURNING POINT.  What we in the next days and weeks will help determine the direction of the turn: forward towards greater democracy or backwards to reaction. We've got to get organized! We're reaching out all over the country to join in building a united campaign against the unemployment crisis. Until it's safe to work we need income and when it's safe we demand sustainable jobs with a Green New Deal!

If you want to help out, please pledge to do so!  Pledging means that you'll help out in any way you can: circulating PW articles, sharing memes, joining a car caravan,  making a phone call, helping a comrade or friend in need. It can also mean you are able help build a coalition to fight this crisis as it is affecting people at the local level. Right now, 133 people have signed up. Can you help us reach 200?

Can you sign and circulate this pledge? That's one place to start! This issue, along with the November election, may be the most important struggle of our lives!!

Here are two concrete actions you can take: Join the AFL-CIO national Workers First caravan on Wednesday June 3.

Fight for an extention of unemployment benefits by circulating this petition demanding the Senate approve the pandemic relief bill passed by the U.S. House. Unemployment is at 25 percent and it's not going down anytime soon!
As we join next week's protests let's make sure the name of George Floyd and other victims of police violence are not forgotten.


Rossana Cambron
Joe Sims


Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
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