Hey John, Team Sunrise here.
Yesterday, the Senate confirmed Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education, Linda McMahon. She is grossly unqualified - a former WWE executive with zero educational experience.
What “qualifications” does she have? She’s a billionaire who’s on board with Trump’s agenda of defunding and tearing down every public institution that serves everyday working people, so he can pillage our government for more tax breaks for billionaires and corporations.
This is a devastating decision for young people, students, and teachers alike, and we’re fighting back.
Donald Trump doesn’t want to improve the Department of Education. He doesn’t want to expand access to college. He doesn’t want to increase funding to public schools. He doesn’t want to expand protections to students. He wants to destroy education for everyday people, and make it into a privilege for the wealthy
To do that, wants to run the Department of Education into the ground, and that’s why he’s appointed an unqualified billionaire.
Our kickoff meeting will introduce Sunrise’s organizing plan and give educators a space to shape how they can help — whether that’s developing climate curriculum, organizing teacher unions to support future student strikes, or supporting students in taking action.
In Solidarity,
Team Sunrise