From Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty <[email protected]>
Subject Show me your papers
Date March 4, 2025 8:55 PM
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In 1981, when then-Attorney General William French Smith suggested a NATIONAL ID to prevent illegal immigration, President Reagan exclaimed, “My God! That's the mark of the beast.”

But now, the federal government has ordered you to carry a “REAL ID” - which not only functions as a NATIONAL ID but also contains sensitive biometric information about you – in order to fly freely and enter government property.

Congress enacted the REAL ID mandate in 2005 – but the federal government hasn't enforced it because too many states and too many patriots have pushed back.

That will change on May 7 – unless you and I take action to stop it right now.

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>>> Fully implemented, the NATIONAL ID will be digitized, embedded on your phone, made real-time and remotely accessible, and used to track and control travel, movement, purchases, and transactions.

>>> Remember during the Covid years when the Deep State was pushing for vaccine passports? Now all of that information would be tied to your REAL ID profile.

>>> REAL ID may lead to a China-like social credit system, be linked to a global identification system where your medical records, bank transactions, and more are all kept in a master government database.

>>> All of your personal and private information, including images of your face, will be in this government database.

>>> TSA employees have already been caught sharing images of innocent Americans going through airport “porno scanners.” And it will happen again but on a much larger scale . . . unless you and I kick into high gear now.
You’ve been instrumental, along with thousands of other patriots, in slowing down the implementation of REAL ID for the past 16 years.

Now, we MUST stop the REAL ID MANDATE being put into effect on May 7.

The TSA put out a rule during the closing days of the Biden administration mandating two years of “progressive enforcement” with “progressive consequences” starting on May 7.

Just what are these “progressive consequences” our government is threatening?
But Congress can shut this down with a simple act. DEMAND Congress stop the REAL ID MANDATE!

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As Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul warned when the REAL ID ACT was passed:

This is nationalization of all identification. It will be the introduction of the notion that we will be carrying our papers. It might actually be worse than just carrying and showing our papers, because there will be no limitation on the information that may be placed on this ID card...

The Secretary of Homeland Security can add anything it wants. If they would like to put on there you belong to a pro-gun group, it may well appear on your national ID card because there may be an administration that wants that information.

There is no limitation as far as biometrics. There's no limitation as far as RFID. That technology is already available and being used in our passports. Which means that you don't have to show your papers, all you have to do is walk by somebody that has a radio frequency ability to read your passport or read your driver's license.
They'll be able to identify you and track you . . . without your knowledge or consent.

But you and I can shut this down by DEMANDING Congress block the outgoing Biden regime's REAL ID MANDATE. Click here to send your e-postcard directive to Congress now!

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After you’ve signed your directive to Congress, please consider a donation to Campaign for Liberty so we can do more to expose the government and their nefarious plans.

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Let’s put an end to the NATIONAL ID fiasco now!

For liberty,

John McCardell
Executive Director

P.S. You and I have been fighting this NATIONAL ID since Campaign for Liberty’s founding in 2008.

We’ve pushed back hard, but now is the time to put a dagger in this Spy State scheme.

Tell Congress right now to SHUT DOWN the TSA’s REAL ID mandate!

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After you’ve signed, please consider a donation to Campaign for Liberty so we can finally do away with NATIONAL ID once and for all.

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If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please <a>click here.

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If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162.

The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.

Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).
Campaign for Liberty
PO Box 104
Lake Jackson, TX 77566

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