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Cannabis, Impaired Driving, and Prescription Drug Misuse Fact Cards
college students standing and talking [ [link removed] ]
Get them while they're hot!
"Campus Drug Prevention "has debuted updated English and Spanish versions of college-specific drug fact cards on cannabis use, impaired driving, and prescription drug misuse.
*Download them below.*
What You Should Know about Cannabis Use among College Students [ [link removed] ]
Cannabis Use [ [link removed] ]
What You Should Know about Impaired Driving among College Students [ [link removed] ]
Impaired Driving [ [link removed] ]
What You Should Know about Prescription Drug Misuse among College Students [ [link removed] ]
Prescription Drug Misuse [ [link removed] ]
Lo que hay que saber sobre...el consumo de cannabis entre estudiantes universitarios [ [link removed] ]
El consumo de cannabis [ [link removed] ]
Lo que hay que saber conducción bajo los efectos de sustancias entre estudiantes universitarios [ [link removed] ]
La conducción bajo los efectos de sustancias [ [link removed] ]
Lo que hay que saber sobre...el consumo de medicamentos recetados entre estudiantes universitarios [ [link removed] ]
El consumo de medicamentos recetados [ [link removed] ]
US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration
* [ [link removed] ]* is a United States Government, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) website. The inclusion of a link on this website does not constitute an official endorsement, guarantee, or approval by DEA.
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