From Nate Keller <[email protected]>
Subject Medicaid Theme Week on Work Requirements & Other Resources
Date March 4, 2025 5:00 PM
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Resource Roundup
New Resources [#new] Action Items [#action] Events [#events] Media [#press] Equity [#equity] Value [#value] Coverage [#coverage]
Dear Health Advocates,
Last week, the House passed a budget resolution that locks the House Energy and Commerce Committee in to at least $880 billion in cuts. These cuts will directly impact health care and the Medicaid program, resulting in devastating cuts to coverage, benefits, services and our broader health system. See Families USA's statement, released after the vote. [[link removed]]
We must continue to put pressure on members of Congress to reject ANY cuts to Medicaid and hold them accountable to their word to do so. This week, there are a few opportunities to do so, including a new Medicaid theme week built around work requirements. Other opportunities are listed below:
* Reminder that you can join Families USA and email your members: Medicaid Defense Email Writing Campaign [[link removed]] . [[link removed]]
* Use hashtags #HandsOffMedicaid or #HandsOffOurMedicaid on social media.
* Engaging with our upcoming Medicaid theme weeks
Medicaid Theme Weeks - Work Requirements
Families USA is leading Medicaid theme weeks to draw attention to the dangers of cutting Medicaid and endangering the lives of millions of Americans. This week's theme is work reporting requirements. We have released a fact sheet [[link removed]] , we're encouraging advocates to send letters to the editor [[link removed]] , and we've also included some social media graphics [[link removed]] to help spread the word about how harmful Medicaid work reporting requirements would be for the millions of Americans that rely on this program.
Affordability Sign On
We invite you to join us in this sign on letter [[link removed]] urging Congress to address the high and rising health care costs that are threatening the health and financial well-being of our nation’s families, workers, employers, small businesses, and communities. Please sign on [[link removed]] no later than EOD Wednesday, March 5.
You can find more on all of this below, along with this week’s new opportunities and resources:
Action Items
* URGENT! Families USA Email Writing Campaign: Protect and Defend Medicaid [[link removed]]
* URGENT: Families USA Sign On Letter: Urge Congress to Address Healthcare Costs Without Threatening Safety Net Programs [[link removed]]
* URGENT! Families USA Email Writing Campaign: Urge Congress to Take Action on Advanced Premium Tax Credits! [[link removed]]
* TAKE ACTION: Submit your patient story on hospital pricing abuses to [email protected] [[email protected]]
* TAKE ACTION: Join Our Health Justice Now Network [[link removed]]
New Resources
* NEW! Families USA Fact Sheet: Medicaid Work Reporting Requirements: Bureaucratic Burdens That Threaten Working Families, Providers and Local Economies [[link removed]]
* NEW! Families USA Amicus Brief: Families USA Joins Public Citizen Amicus Brief to Defend Cost-Free Preventive Services [[link removed]]
* NEW! Families USA Fact Sheet: Lay of the Land: Primary Care, Provider Payments and What’s Next [[link removed]]
* PARTNER RESOURCE! National Partnership for Women and Families Fact Sheet: Trump's Plan to Slash Medicaid Will Harm Older Women - and the Economy [[link removed]]
* PARTNER RESOURCE! Commonwealth Fund Issue Brief: The Cost of Eliminating the Enhanced Premium Tax Credits [[link removed]]
FUSA in the News
* NEW! Anthony Wright, Executive Director, is quoted in the following articles as a result of Families USA’s House budget resolution statement [[link removed]] : * Healthleaders: Republicans Take Aim at CMS Cuts; Why CFOs Need to Join the Pushback [[link removed]]

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* Medical Buyer: Hospitals condemn proposed Medicaid cuts [[link removed]]

* Healthcare Dive: Trump administration slashes funding for ACA navigators [[link removed].]

* Inside Health Policy: Advocates Outraged As Trump Admin Cuts Navigator Program 90% [[link removed]]

* NEW! Sophia Tripoli, Senior Director of Health Policy, is quoted in Medical Economics as a result of her participation in the 2025 Primary Care Scorecard Webinar [[link removed]] - Primary care ‘reaching a breaking point,’ experts say [[link removed]]
Health Equity
* Families USA Insights: Transforming Care: Addressing Health Inequities and Pitfalls through Innovative Models of Care [[link removed]]
* Families USA Analysis: Charting the Course for Community Health Workers: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities to Secure Medicaid Reimbursement for CHWs in State Medicaid Programs [[link removed]]

Health Care Value
* Families USA Policy Agenda: Consumers First Legislative Agenda 2025: Policy Solutions for the 119th Congress to Drive Value into the U.S. Health Care System [[link removed]]
* Families USA Testimony: New York State Site Neutral Payment Bill [[link removed]]
* Families USA Affordability Agenda: Making Health Care Affordable: Reining In Health Industry Abuses To Lower People’s Costs and Generate Budget Savings [[link removed]]
* Families USA Fact Sheet: Stop Big Health Care Corporations from Keeping Workers and Small Businesses Under Water [[link removed]]
* Families USA Comments: 30 Organizations Send Letter to Alabama Governor Ivey on Expanding Access to Continuous Glucose Monitors [[link removed]]
Health Coverage
* Families USA Video: Ensuring Accountability: A New Era in Medicaid Managed Care Oversight [[link removed]]
* Families USA Policy Agenda: Achieving Transparency, Accountability and Quality in Medicaid Managed Care: A State and Federal Policy Agenda [[link removed]]
* Medicaid 101 Fact Sheet and Handout: Medicaid Matters: To People, Our Economy and the Health Care System [[link removed]]
Thank you for your tireless advocacy as we continue fighting for the best health and health care for all of America's families. To connect on shared advocacy efforts or let us know what you would like featured in upcoming Resource Roundups, please respond to this email or reach out at [email protected]!
Have a great week,
Nate Keller
Partnerships Mobilization Associate
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