
We’ve seen a huge shift in the two weeks since the debate, and it’s been incredible.

Whether it’s on-the-ground endorsements in early primary states, increased media attention, or an incredible wave of grassroots fundraising, we have every reason to believe we’re hitting our stride at exactly the right time.

Our team has updated our donor records, and here’s what we have on file for you:

Campaign Record for: [email protected]
Cory 2020 Grassroots Supporter: Yes!
Post-Debate Donor: Not yet.
Suggested Action Today: Make a donation today!


We’ll be honest. August is traditionally a month when grassroots fundraising slows to a halt -- which gives campaigns that accept donations from corporate PACs and host fancy dinners with D.C. lobbyists a pretty big advantage. 

But that’s not how we do things. From the start, we’ve rejected these tactics. We’re building this the right way, one donation at a time from people like you. 

That means we need more people to step up to make sure the August doldrums don’t hold us back. Since the second debate, we’ve turned a corner on this campaign. More people are paying attention now. 

Will you chip in tonight and become an August donor?

Thank you, 

Booker HQ







Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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