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Dear Jack,
Today is a pivotal moment for education in Mississippi. If School Choice is to move forward in our state, the Senate Education Committee must act now and approve HB1435 today.
This bill, which would enable public-to-public School Choice, already passed the House with overwhelming support. Now, its fate rests in the hands of two key figures: Senator Dennis DeBar and Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann. If they throw their support behind HB1435, they will be heroes.
Dennis DeBar & Delbert Hosemann are responsible for the fate of HB1435.
Mississippi stands at a crossroads. We are now surrounded by states—Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, and Louisiana—where parents already enjoy the freedom that School Choice provides. Yet here, we remain behind.
Just last week, President Trump issued a powerful call to action, urging states like ours to step up and pass legislation like HB1435. He’s counting on our elected officials to champion this cause.
The question now is clear: Will our Senators stand with President Trump and the families of Mississippi, or will they side with the progressive activists fighting against School Choice?
We’ll have our answer today, and I’ll make sure to keep you informed as events unfold.
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Warm regards,
Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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