What YOU Said You Want in a Visa Policy EXCLUSIVE POLL RESULTS BELOW... ...It's still not too late to be counted! Dear
- Now, 42 Republican Members of the House are urging the President to NOT REDUCE TEMPORARY FOREIGN WORKERS. Add those to the 9 GOP Senators who sent a letter to the President asking for the same thing, and we get a full-scale BI-PARTISAN BETRAYAL! Fortunately, NumbersUSA members are making their OWN voices heard, and we still have hope for POSITIVE reforms beginning with White House actions. The economic disruption from the coronavirus shutdown shows that America desperately needs to overhaul the foreign-worker visa system. We believe it's critical to cut temporary work visas WAY back! If you've been fortunate to be spared from economic hardship, please help us, especially now that so many would-be donors can't. We need everyone who can give to please do so.
We're hearing further rumbles that Pres. Trump may soon take executive action to halt many or most temporary work visas. Reports suggest the Department of Homeland Security supports a major scale-back in temporary visas while America is gripped by this economic and medical emergency. With this possibility so close, it is especially GALLING that so many Members of Congress seem to be working for the CHEAP-LABOR LOBBY rather than the tens of millions of unemployed Americans. "Jobs Americans won't do"? In this economy, most unemployed people will do anything to pay the rent. We were glad when President Trump a month ago paused many types of legal immigration until the coronavirus crisis is over, even if we don't know exactly when that will be. Yet we were disappointed that he has continued to allow temporary work visas to be issued and renewed at a rate of hundreds of thousands per year. Many people who come to America on temporary work visas find some way, legal or not, to stay forever. And after all, the president had made the economic case for stopping them. It's plain cruelty to import new workers while tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs. Again, we're concerned that the cheap-labor lobby has influenced key decision-makers in the White House. We need to make sure Congress and the President hear from everyday Americans, like you. We know you can't show up to meetings in the White House or Congress with promises of campaign checks for hundreds of thousands of dollars. But you can make sure that Washington knows voters are aware of what's happening, are connecting the dots, and will hold them accountable. That's why it's urgent that you take action, now!
If you can't give right now, there's a lot you can still do:
Here are the survey results so far: Which is the best policy for issuing visas to temporary workers during the economic crisis caused by Covid-19? OUR MEMBERS ANSWERED:
Those of you who've already taken the survey seem clear that you want SIGNIFICANTLY FEWER temporary work visas handed out. 89% of you want to stop all new temporary worker visas. And fully 7 in 10 of you want to stop renewing the existing visas, as well as stopping new visas. Personally speaking, that's the answer I gave to the survey. NumbersUSA fights for the American worker. Please help us do so if you possibly can. You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |