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Israel Gives Ilan Omar & Rashida Tlaib the Boot: Should It? Realities of free speech in Israel aren't the same as those in the US Read and Share
Clarion Intel Exclusive: Philadelphia Shooter Attended Radical Mosque Many of the mosque’s attendees view the police as oppressors of Muslims Read
News Analysis
What Would an Exit Strategy in Afghanistan Look Like? Is being on Team America worth it for our allies? Read
Mass Shootings: Lone Wolf or Stochastic? Can we talk? Preventing violent extremism Read and Share
Readers Write
Ilhan Omar vs. Miss Iraq: The Feud
“I vote for Miss Iraq! Beautiful AND highly intelligent AND a true representative of Islam!”
- F.S.
J-Lo Sued Over Bare-Booty Outfits?
“Live and let live and get a life!!! It's entertainment people.”
- J.M.

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