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Minnesota Family Council
Action Alert

Dear John

 What's going on in our state right now is heartbreaking – it's not a time to promote policies that are harmful to Minnesota families. We just received word about some concerning news and wanted to alert you right away.

The Minnesota State Republican Convention is being held online tomorrow, May 30. The party will be making decisions about the Minnesota State Republican Platform and activists within the party are pushing to remove important language from the document. Party platforms are very important as they lay out the guiding principles and positions for the party.

Ideas being considered are the removal of language that:

  • Opposes partial-birth abortions
  • Opposes taxpayer funding for groups like Planned Parenthood that conduct abortions
  • Supports important religious liberty protections
  • Supports public religious displays
  • Supports healthcare workers, exempting them from performing procedures that violate their conscience
  • And more

A special note for our friends who are serving as delegates at the virtual convention: we do not know exactly how these motions are being introduced. You may be asked to vote Yes/No on a motion regarding this language. In this case: VOTE NO! But you may also be asked to "table" a motion. In that case: VOTE TO TABLE! 

In the midst of all the turmoil the state is going through, Moderates and Leftists should not be trying to remove important principles like these! Even in the present circumstances, this shows we must remain vigilant. This is no time to push for changes like this.

Please contact Minnesota GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan right away. Because the Convention is tomorrow, she needs to hear from you now. Urge her to work to ensure that the platform stays strong in protecting life, religious liberty, and family values, and ensure that no changes are made that would dilute these in any way.

You can contact Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan at this email: [email protected].

Feel free to use the form email below as a starting point to share your thoughts with Chairwoman Carnahan:

Chairwoman Carnahan,

It has come to my attention that during tomorrow's Minnesota GOP Convention there may be an effort to water down the state party’s platform on issues that are of special interest to myself, and many others here in Minnesota. Please do not allow the Minnesota Republican Party Platform to be watered down in any measure from its strong pro-life, pro-family, pro-religious freedom position. What makes this party special is that it stands firmly on the principles that made America great from the start: faith, family, and freedom.

In Minnesota and the nation, our foundational freedoms of life and liberty are more precious than ever. I hope to continue to be able to stand behind the Minnesota Republican Party proudly, but the party platform needs to respect faith, family, and freedom.

Make sure your voice is heard!


Minnesota Family Council 

Minnesota Family Council
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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