From 🚨Action Needed 🚨 <[email protected]>
Subject Last Chance: Join the Fight to Hold Elon Musk Accountable!
Date March 3, 2025 8:26 PM
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Fire Elon Musk

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Friend, add your name now to send a strong message to Donald Trump, Elon Musk and their MAGA allies that we will NOT let our nation be run into the ground by out-of-touch billionaires!

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This is unbelievable: Donald Trump just signed a new executive order expanding Elon Musk’s already alarming power over our government! 

Elon Musk is an unelected billionaire serving as a shadow president right now. He's using his unchecked power to push public servants like firefighters to resign, try to force massive cuts to Americans’ health care and wreak havoc on our country from the inside out.

It must end NOW. That's why we're asking engaged supporters across the country to sign our petition: Will you take 30 seconds to add your name in support of FIRING Elon Musk before our petition closes at midnight tonight?

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Thanks for staying committed to this fight, friend.

– Team Cortez Masto


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Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate
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