From Sebastian Lukomski <[email protected]>
Subject The Pro-Life Resistance is Rising at the UN!
Date March 3, 2025 6:39 PM
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Dear John,

<p><em>I&rsquo;m writing to you from New York, where<strong> my team and I have been fighting tooth and nail to push back against the most aggressive UN abortion agenda we&rsquo;ve ever seen.</strong></em></p> <p>I promised you we&rsquo;d be here. So here we are.</p> <p>Our mission is clear: <strong>stop the UN from cementing abortion as a &ldquo;universal right&rdquo; and forcing pro-life nations into submission </strong>at this year&rsquo;s <strong>Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69).</strong></p> <p>The official conference starts March 10, but right now, behind closed doors, key negotiations are already shaping what will be debated next week. That&rsquo;s why we&rsquo;re here early&mdash;<strong>to get ahead of the game, meet with decision-makers, and apply relentless pressure before it&rsquo;s too late.</strong></p> <p><strong><img src="[link removed]" alt="" width="350" height="175" constrain="true" imagepreview="false" border="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></strong></p> <p>For the past few days, it&rsquo;s been <strong>nonstop</strong>&mdash;back-to-back meetings, urgent negotiations, and critical strategy sessions.</p> <p>And here&rsquo;s the hard truth: we&rsquo;ve already seen two revisions of the draft, and each one is worse than the last.</p> <p>They&rsquo;re <strong>pushing abortion as a &ldquo;universal right&rdquo;</strong> and embedding <strong>vague but dangerous language</strong> that threatens life, family, and everything you and I stand for.</p> <p><strong>We refuse to let that slide.</strong></p> <p>So for the past few days, my team and I have met with numerous ambassadors, diplomats, and key delegations - some from pro-life strongholds across Africa, Latin America, and parts of Europe&mdash;<strong>the very people who will be negotiating, amending, and voting on this draft.</strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>We met with the delegations of Italy, Argentina, Libya, Burundi, Guatemala, Belarus, Paraguay, and many more&mdash;<strong>delegations that could hold significant regional influence within UN working groups and voting blocs at this year&rsquo;s CSW69.</strong></p> <p>These meetings weren&rsquo;t just discussions&mdash;they were about strengthening alliances and ensuring coordinated resistance inside the negotiation process, which is the path to victory.</p> <p><strong>And the good news - many of these delegations have pledged to hold the line and work with us to strip the most dangerous provisions before it&rsquo;s too late!</strong></p> <p><img src="[link removed]" alt="" width="350" height="175" constrain="true" imagepreview="false" border="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></p> <p>We sat down with them, laid it all out&mdash;how this document could be weaponized against life and family&mdash;and several pledged to fight back, working with us to strip out the worst parts.</p> <p>Some of the strongest pro-life delegations told us outright:<strong> the pressure to cave is brutal.</strong> But they also said this&mdash;<strong>because we&rsquo;re here, they&rsquo;re standing firm.</strong></p> <p>One African ambassador didn&rsquo;t mince words. He told me that developing countries are hit with <strong>relentless financial blackmail and political threats to force them into submission</strong>. But he made one thing clear:<em> &ldquo;Our Christian values come before everything. We will not be bought.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><strong>We made them feel exactly that - that they are not alone.</strong></p> <p><em><strong>But you know, there&rsquo;s something different in the air this time around. I feel it.&nbsp;</strong></em></p> <p><em>The left seems to be panicking.</em> They can see exactly what&rsquo;s happening.&nbsp;</p> <p>They feel the ground shifting beneath them - because more and more pro-life voices are being heard across the world - Africa, Latin America, parts of Europe, and now even with the new administration in the U.S.&mdash;and they&rsquo;re slowly losing their grip on the global agenda.</p> <p>And they&rsquo;re <strong>terrified about it.</strong></p> <p>That&rsquo;s why they are<strong> coming at us harder than ever, desperate to push through the most extreme pro-abortion language before it&rsquo;s too late for them.</strong></p> <p><strong><img src="[link removed]" alt="" width="350" height="175" constrain="true" imagepreview="false" border="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" /></strong></p> <p><br /></p> <p>I can&rsquo;t stress this enough&mdash;your support is fueling everything we are doing here.</p> <ul> <li><strong>We strategized effectively</strong>&mdash;tearing apart the Political Declaration line by line.</li> <li><strong>We secured critical face-to-face meetings</strong> with key delegations.</li> <li><strong>We are hand-delivering letters, applying pressure</strong>, and making sure pro-life nations know they are not alone.</li> </ul> <p>And we&rsquo;re just getting started.</p> <p><strong>More meetings are lined up. More pressure will be applied. More ground will be covered.</strong></p> <p>Diplomats have told us straight-up: <strong>our presence here is critical.</strong> They need to know that <strong>people like you</strong> are behind them so they can<em> stand strong when it&rsquo;s time to amend and vote on this draft.</em></p> <p>Because of your commitment, we&rsquo;re making sure pro-life nations know they&rsquo;re not alone. We&rsquo;re fighting to stop the UN from locking dangerous policies into international law&mdash;and we&rsquo;re not backing down.</p>
From New York, I just want to say: thank you. Because of you, we’re in this fight. We’re making them sweat. We’re forcing them to listen.
<i>Sebastian Lukomski and the entire CitizenGO team</i>

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