John, let me tell you about one of my favorite phrases: Be Fierce.
Why do I love it? Because it perfectly describes my outlook on life.
It means rolling up our sleeves to do the hard things and fight for what's right.
But being fierce doesn't come easy. It's earned through perseverance. It's realized by facing challenges head on — and helping each other overcome them.
It doesn't matter what's standing in our way if we're standing together, John.
That's why I'm asking you to be fierce and stand with me as we kick off this campaign. I'm running to be governor of New Mexico because I understand the challenges New Mexicans are facing. And I know we can solve them together.
Will you join me by splitting a donation between my campaign and EMILYs List?
DONATE $15 | DONATE $35 |
DONATE $50 | DONATE $100 |
I'm so grateful to everyone who has already stepped up to show their support. If we keep up this momentum, nothing can stop us from winning this fight together.
Be fierce,