From Izzie McIntosh, Global Justice Now <[email protected]>
Subject BP won’t save us
Date March 3, 2025 3:25 PM
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Hi John,
Last week, BP abandoned its renewable energy plans and announced it will invest billions more in oil and gas instead. It follows pressure from vulture capitalist investors who complained they weren’t making enough money from the oil giant.(1)

Of course, BP’s plans were always more about publicity than rapid change. But it’s a reminder of why we need to fight for a fossil fuel phase-out that’s powered by governments and people, rather than wait hopelessly for mega-corporations and the super-rich who run them to lead the charge.

With support from local communities across the country, the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty can help us to achieve that. MPs have been supporting the treaty publicly by signing a motion in the House of Commons.(2)
John, can
you write to your MP now, asking them to put their name to the campaign for a Fossil Fuel Treaty in Parliament? More than 80% of MPs have already been contacted, and we know that MPs are signing after Global Justice Now supporters get in touch.
Yes, I’ll write to my MP ([link removed])

** No New Oil and Gas

This week, people around the country are going to meet their MPs to make the case against approving the Rosebank North Sea oil field, as part of the No New Oil and Gas week of action.(3) Asking your MP to support the Fossil Fuel Treaty today could support this goal, by helping to demonstrate public and parliamentary support for a fair and well-managed end to oil and gas.

The time to fight for this support is now – an exit from fossil fuels has never been more urgent. People across the world are facing the impacts of the fossil fuel industry’s addiction to profit, and government’s failure to step in and force it to stop polluting.

Pacific island states are inching ever closer to being uninhabitable, people in the Niger Delta are fighting the devastating impacts of Shell’s oil pollution in court, and households in the UK are still dealing with unmanageable household bills.

Governments must rectify these injustices. They can do that by curtailing the power of the fossil fuel industry. The people at the top of this toxic industry are going to fight tooth and nail to stop this happening. We’ve already seen them refuse to give up their fight for Rosebank in court, even after the government said it wasn’t going to defend the oilfield.

That’s why we must take every opportunity to fight the mega-rich who are behind BP’s decision this week, and travesties like Rosebank, before it’s too late. We must fight against projects like Rosebank, and for a fair global energy transition.

Can you take action now and write to your MP, to help build support in Parliament for this campaign?
Write to your MP ([link removed])

** How it could work

A treaty doesn’t have to be universal to be effective. Spearheaded by Pacific island states, the Fossil Fuel Treaty would hold countries to a higher standard than approving massive oilfields like Rosebank, or letting mega-corporations like BP take the wheel in a fossil fuel phase-out.

And the treaty also has another major strength: it’s being built on grassroots power and popular demand. We witnessed the power of community-level politics last month, when many US cities reaffirmed their commitment to climate action after Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement.(4)

We need a global climate solution that’s built on community power, that can’t be corrupted by corporations like BP or the vulture capitalists that have bought into it. From the Pacific islands, to Nigeria, to the UK, lives and futures must not be left up to the whims of a few rich and powerful men.

Getting your MP to support the Fossil Fuel Treaty can help build a people-powered, global solution to the climate crisis, one that could stop Rosebank and other carbon bombs in their tracks. And with MPs already signing up thanks to letters from our supporters, this action has a real chance to make an impact.
Write to my MP ([link removed])
Thank you,
Izzie McIntosh
Climate campaigner at Global Justice Now

1. BP blames ‘misplaced’ faith in green transition for its renewed focus on fossil fuels ([link removed]) , Guardian, 26 February 2025.
2. Early Day Motion 111: Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty ([link removed]) , UK Parliament, 2 September 2024.
3. No New Oil & Gas MP & MSP Action Week ([link removed]) , 3-9 March 2025.
4. Global network of mayors react to President Trump withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Agreement ([link removed]) , C40 Cities, 21 January 2025.
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