The FDA’s long-standing drug approval process seems to encourage pharmaceutical companies to conduct extensive animal testing prior to human trials—testing that not only causes unnecessary pain and suffering for the animals but is also unreliable and ineffective. Data shows that 90% of drugs that pass animal trials FAIL in human trials! That means helpless animals are subjected to tests that may cause fevers, tremors, rapid heart rates, labored breathing and even death with possibly flawed results.
Animals and humans deserve better. But the good news is that effective non-animal testing options already exist! We just need the agency in charge of the drug approval process to encourage the use of these alternative methods and for companies to recognize the benefit in adopting them. That’s why urging the FDA to fix their outdated approval process and encouraging the use of non-animal testing methods is so important. So please: Tell the FDA to help end unnecessary animal testing by making it clear it’s not required in the drug approval process.
This is just one of the many ways we are acting to end animal cruelty, and I’m so grateful you are standing with us,