What people are saying
“Today's financial literacy session was awesome!! I learned a wealth of knowledge that will allow me to increase my clients' financial situation!! Thank you all!! I have attended several of Consumer Action's webinars. The webinars were informative. Today was super fantastic!!! The energy was good!”
--Chicago “Money Management 1-2-3” training participant Tanya Jackson, Northside Community Dev. Corp. (visit our website to learn about upcoming trainings and webinars)
Rallies to save the CFPB
CFPB supporters and members of Congress rallied with embattled CFPB staffers as their jobs, duties and agency were in limbo—the result of the new administration’s plan to defund, diminish and delete the CFPB. Read more.
PG&E Medical Baseline Program supports customers with medical-related needs
Pacific Gas & Electric’s Medical Baseline Program offers savings and extra notifications about power shutoffs for the company’s customers who need energy to run necessary medical devices. Learn more about who qualifies, how to apply, and how our outreach staff has been spreading the word. Read more.
Coalition Efforts
Consumer Action often joins its allies in letters, comments and complaints calling for change, standing up for consumer rights, supporting or opposing proposed laws, pressing for enforcement, and objecting to corporate misbehavior, among other activities. We collect these in the Coalition Efforts section of our website. Each month in the INSIDER, we highlight some recent activities. Read more.
CFPB Watch
In this regular feature, we typically detail recent actions taken by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). However, this month we share the gutting of the Bureau (along with multiple other federal agencies), which has been a major focus for the new administration. Apart from whether these actions are legal, this is bound to hurt consumers who’ve come to rely on the CFPB. Read more.
Class Action Database: Mortgage service settles over disservice to borrowers
Consumer Action maintains a database of class actions so that interested consumers can learn more, join a pending action or make a claim. Class action lawsuits are an important element of consumer protection and can force changes to anti-consumer business practices and make bad actors return ill-gotten gains to consumers. Read more.
About Consumer Action
Consumer Action has been a champion of underrepresented consumers nationwide since 1971. A nonprofit organization, Consumer Action focuses on consumer education that empowers low- and moderate-income and limited-English-speaking consumers to financially prosper. It also advocates for consumers in the media and before lawmakers to advance consumer rights and promote industry-wide change.
By providing consumer education materials in multiple languages, webinars covering a wide range of consumer topics, and a comprehensive website, Consumer Action helps consumers assert their rights in the marketplace and make financially savvy choices. More than 6,500 community and grassroots organizations benefit annually from its extensive outreach programs, training materials and support. Read more.
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