Dear john,
President Trump called for "one big, beautiful bill," and House Republicans delivered.
Last week, we passed a fiscally responsible budget resolution that sets the stage for extending the Trump tax cuts, securing our border, unleashing American energy, and reining in reckless government spending. This is the first step in undoing the damage of the past four years and restoring a pro-America agenda.
Don’t be misled by the liberal media’s fear tactics. They want you to believe Republicans are cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. That’s simply not true. Our budget doesn’t slash these programs; it prioritizes responsible policies that eliminate wasteful spending and ensure taxpayer dollars are used where they’re truly needed.
Americans won't soon forget that every single House Democrat voted against cutting waste, against preventing tax hikes on hardworking families and small businesses, and against giving our Border Patrol and military the resources they need to keep America safe.