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189 years ago, 59 soon-to-be Texans traveled across the dusty plain to join a movement that would define our state as we know it. On March 3, 1836, in a tiny house in the humble settlement of Washington-on-the-Brazos, these men signed the Texas Declaration of Independence.

A lot has changed in almost two centuries, but the desires in the hearts of Texans like you and me are fundamentally the same as the men who gathered that day. They declared independence from Mexico, which had, in their estimation, failed to protect the lives, liberty, and property. Sound familiar?

Although the brave individuals who declared their independence from Mexico that day had a violent path to victory, they persevered! The legendary battles of the Alamo, Goliad, and San Jacinto made Texas who she is today, but our story is not finished.

Right now, true Texans are fighting a battle void of bloodshed but critical, nonetheless. Like the Mexican government, our lawmakers seem to have no regard for our lives, liberty, or property. The question is: What are we going to do about it?

True Texas Project is not ready to abandon all that was fought for and cultivated so many years ago, and traitors in Austin are about to find that out the hard way.

We are committed to censuring any lawmakers who betray their voters, and we will primary any representative who votes to squander our riches and jeopardize our freedoms. They work for us, and we can fire them.

TTP has proven our ability to activate the grassroots and with your help, we will do it again!

Just like the signees in 1836, we might not all be Texans by birth, but we are united in our commitment to defend all that is the Lone Star State—the spirit of independence, the vast and varied landscape, and the grit and the glory that defines each of us.

There’s no way we’re letting a few corrupt politicians take that away. Will you chip in a celebratory $18.36 today in honor of Texas Independence if you are with us?

For the love of Texas,

Julie McCarty
CEO, True Texas Project

P.S. Come celebrate the fighting spirit of Texas with TTP on April 11 at our annual Texas Tough Gala!

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