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Medical Groups Sue FDA Over Abortion Pill Restrictions During Pandemic

Medical experts and reproductive rights advocates sued federal agencies yesterday, asking it to allow people to obtain abortion pills remotely during the pandemic.


Celebrate Legendary Activist Dolores Huerta’s 90th Birthday!

Legendary activist, organizer, and Feminist Majority Foundation board member Dolores Huerta is turning 90! Join the Dolores Huerta Foundation and special guests to celebrate her life and legacy.


New Mexico Has the Historic Opportunity to Elect First All-Female U.S. House Delegation

New Mexico voters may send a historic all-female U.S. House delegation to Congress next year. The state’s three congresswomen could all be women of color, which would be another national first.


Coronavirus Cases Among Health Care Workers Tops 62,000

More than 62,000 front-line doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers have been infected with COVID-19, the Center for Disease Control reported on Tuesday. At least 291 healthcare workers have died from coronavirus complications.


Nebraska Public College Pays $900,000 in Title IX Settlement

The Nebraska State College System will pay $900,000 in a settlement for inadequately addressing a case of dating violence that resulted in a student’s suicide in 2015.


Immigrant Woman Sues Over Sexual Assault in Detention Center

On Wednesday, an immigrant woman formerly in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody in Houston sued a private prison company, CoreCivic, after she was raped in 2018 in a dark, isolated cell along with two other women the day before she was deported to Mexico.

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