Renewed promises, Ramadan recap, case updates, & more
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MAY 2020

Assalamu'alaykum John,

As we look back at the last few months, we are humbled by the realization that God facilitates ease amidst the difficulties. Although we have been separated physically, we have still been able to come together and pool our collective resources in order to make a difference this past Ramadan. Easing other's burdens, sharing inspiration and knowledge, and sustaining our institutions while flattening the curve has been a community effort, and with continued resolve and God's grace, we will overcome the challenges we face, in shaa Allah.

We are very grateful to our donors who helped us double our LaunchGood fundraising goal for MLFA's 2020 Ramadan appeal. We extend our heart-felt thanks to each and every one of our valued supporters for their incredible generosity!

There were more highlights to be thankful for: the first Eid Hamid Hayat celebrated with his family as a free man, the release of political prisoner Ibrahim Mohammad, and the support of allies in the cause of justice, featured below.

There were also many lows that reminded us of the somber reality of bigotry, racism, and injustice that continue to weave through the social, political, and economic fabric of America. Ramadan was punctuated by the horrific video of Ahmaud Arbery's murder months after he was gunned down by vigilantes, and Eid was followed by the flagrant murder of George Floyd by the very people who are sworn to serve and protect. They are just a few of the innocent souls taken too soon and too gruesomely before our eyes. There are countless more who suffered similar fates due to blatant discrimination, abject cruelty, and sheer inhumanity.

Racism is the deadliest disease sweeping our world. The persecution of others simply on the basis of their skin color, ethnicity, faith, or identity has plagued humanity for centuries, and this country particularly, despite its promise of 'liberty and justice for all.' The oneness of humanity is a principle our dear Prophet Muhammad preached in his last sermon and a cause he struggled for, championed, and upheld.

The cure is within us. It is not based in science, but on conscience. We must reflect on, act upon, and uphold justice at every level of society.

"And what is it that America has failed to hear? [...] It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

We hear our African American communities, and express our deepest condolences for their unfathomable suffering and loss. We stand with every community facing oppression and injustice. We vow to unravel systemic injustice, and continue our fight to fulfill promises of freedom and justice by upholding an America for all.

In faith and for justice,
Ramadan Recap

Ramadan is usually a month that takes MLFA to hundreds of communities across the nation to share our mission, provide updates on cases and issues relevant to the American Muslim community, and promote the cause of justice. This past Ramadan, the roles were reversed: the community came to MLFA to learn about the work of justice through online engagement. We connected with you via live programs on Facebook, celebrated with your families on YouTube, and presented 2 new video series prepared by attorneys at the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America and MLFA's Executive Director, Khalil Meek.

Now that Ramadan is behind us, we invite you to take a look back at the wealth of content shared over the last few weeks and stay tuned for more inspiring programming to come!

Khalil Meek, Executive Director of the Muslim Legal Fund of America, shared important cases that MLFA took on in a video series entitled MLFA Promises: Stories of Success.

Stories include: The Haseeb Chishty Story | Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA) | Muthanna Al-Hanooti | Enaam Arnaout |  Ibrahim Dremali and more!
Case Updates

CLCMA Welcomes "Friend of Court" Brief by Electronic Frontier Foundation

CLCMA welcomes the expertise and input provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (“EFF”), which filed an amicus or “friend of the Court” brief supporting CLCMA client Haisam Elsharkawi. CLCMA attorneys filed an appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Mr. Elsharkawi regarding his constitutional claims resulting from his mistreatment at an airport on his way to Mecca.
CLCMA Attorneys Argue to Preserve Due Process for Birthright Citizenship

CLCMA attorney and Civil Litigation Department Head Christina Jump argued telephonically in front of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on May 15, 2020 regarding constitutional issues related to the Hoda Muthana case on behalf of her father, Ahmed Ali Muthana.

“This case centers on the difference between the ability to administratively revoke a passport document, versus revocation of citizenship status itself.” she began. Answering numerous questions from the three Justices on the panel, Ms. Jump consistently asserted the rights of all U.S. citizens to the due process protections guaranteed by the Constitution before United States citizenship status can be revoked or rescinded. The Department of State cannot strip citizens of their status, even if it revoked a document such as a passport.

Ms. Jump quotes the U.S. Supreme Court’s holding that “[n]either the Congress nor the Executive, nor the judiciary, nor all three in concert,” may strip a citizen of that status without appropriate due process.
CLCMA continues to fight for protections for the rights of all United States citizens, and will “put the government to its proof” should the government attempt to provide anything less.
Eid Greetings

A message from American Muslim community leaders across the U.S.:

Help Fund the Work that Makes Justice Possible
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Muslim Legal Fund of America
833 E Arapaho Rd
Suite 209
Richardson, Texas 75081
United States

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