We’re a little over a month into Donald Trump’s second term and it has been nothing but chaos and cruelty.
Unlike other presidents before him, Donald Trump believes that he doesn’t have to listen to or wait on Congress – instead he issues executive orders and has non-elected, non-confirmed, government “employees” like Elon Musk upend government agencies and departments. We know who wins and who loses if these decrees stand: billionaires win and the rest of us, especially those with the lowest incomes, lose.
This king-like behavior goes against what the framers of the Constitution had envisioned and it sets the stage for a dangerous authoritarianism where freedom of expression is curtailed and human rights abuses are allowed to flourish.1
We cannot let that happen in the United States.
We’re working closely with our coalition partners and allies to do everything possible including lobbying lawmakers, publicizing the dangers of reckless actions, and garnering grassroots support to stop this unprecedented attack on American democracy. Donate $5 today to fund our work in protecting marginalized communities from these cruel policies.
Donald Trump isn’t doing all of this by himself. Right-wing extremists in Congress are more than happy to introduce legislation that carries out his radical wishlist and further entrenches his power.
Republicans are using the slimmest majority in the House of Representatives in over a century as a mandate to push through radical legislation that will cause harm and suffering to millions of people — like a budget proposal that would force $2 trillion in cuts in cuts to food assistance and health care in order to fund the extension of tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and corporations.
Politicians are turbocharging a path towards an oligarchy, with policies and tax breaks to serve billionaires. And the rest of us? We pay.This is anathema to democracy and we must fight against it.
Chip in $5 today to help fund the fight for democracy.
Thank you for all you do,
Deborah Weinstein
Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs
1 ‘Long live the king’: Trump adds monarch rhetoric to actions