From New Democrat Coalition Action Fund <[email protected]>
Subject 16 and 32
Date May 29, 2020 8:55 PM
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32 -- that's the number of NewDems on the endangered Frontline program that we have to defend. You've heard that number before.

Here's one that might surprise you though. Cook Political Report -- an independent election tracker and news souce -- rates 16 Democratic races as pure TOSSUPS.

Our job? Hold the line and support these endangered House NewDems. Kick in with a contribution to get it done. [[link removed]]

It's a big job, but here's the good news: Our Members are running strong races. They're raising money, they're making smart hires, they're getting their messge out and they're connecting with voters one-to-one (safely, of course).

That's what it takes to win! [[link removed]]

These are strong servant leaders who have held the line on health care, good wages, job creation and our shared values. Let's have their backs.

- Team NewDems

Donate [[link removed]]

NewDem Action Fund
233 Pennsylvania Ave SE
2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20003-1121
United States
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