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Each legislative year, True Texas Project plans a special day at the Capitol for TTP supporters. It’s a day filled with fun, learning, meeting with legislators and other like-minded groups, and a chance to visit with your own representatives. It’s also a great opportunity to network with TTP activists from other areas. The day will start with a tour of the Capitol building, including all the interesting historical facts and the artwork, followed by lunch (box lunches will be available for purchase), and a briefing from lawmakers and leaders of grassroots groups. In the latter part of the day, you’ll visit your own representatives’ offices to deliver TTP Legislative Priorities and get to know your representatives and their staff. Remember – effective activism is all about developing relationships! Start here.
Please plan on joining us for this very special day. Whether you’re experienced at working in the Capitol, or band new, we’ll all have fun together.
Questions? Reach out to Fran Rhodes, [email protected] Monday Mar 3, 10:00 AM Meeting at Capitol Extension Members Lounge
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