Hey friend,
Thank you again – this team had my back in our tough re-elect last year, and we kicked ass (winning decisively, and out-performing VP Harris more than any other House Dem in the country!). A huge part of our success was driven by our very strong start. In the first quarter of 2023, our campaign raised over $1.1 million, making us #1 in the country and positioning us to make strategic campaign investments early that made a difference down the road.
We are planning for another tough fight in 2026. Despite our strong performance, VP Harris barely won my district (approx 2% margin). We know that the national Republicans are trying to convince strong local recruits to run against me, and we know that the NY Governor’s race in 2026 is going to be very competitive and have strong downballot effects (like it did in 2022, when I only won this seat by 1.3% and Gov. Hochul lost the district by several points).
So, I am taking a very aggressive approach again and ramping up early to both deter these serious Republican recruits and make early investments to position us strongly for Nov 2026.
Will you consider contributing $20 or more to my re-elect now to ensure we have a strong start? I greatly appreciate your consideration to help!
Here is the link to contribute: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/pkr-email-2025?refcode=launch
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Yours in service,
P.S. If you were planning to support my campaign later but are able to do so now, I promise you that your investment now is more impactful than later. Early fundraising helps us broaden our reach, communicate with more voters and potential supporters, and can even help persuade national Republican and conservative groups to not spend against me.