This is it. Our major end-of-month fundraising deadline for February is just hours away.
Illinois is at a breaking point. JB Pritzker and Brandon Johnson are running our state into the ground, using Illinois as their personal political playground while hardworking families struggle under the weight of their reckless policies:
Pritzker just compared Republicans to Nazis in a desperate attempt to distract from his own failures.
Johnson’s approval rating has plummeted to 14% because even his own voters are waking up to his incompetence.
Democrats are scheming to block President Trump’s America First agenda, trying to stall his leadership while they push their radical policies right here in Illinois.
This is what we’re up against. And tonight’s deadline will determine how strong we can fight back in the coming weeks.
We Have Just Hours Left to Hit Our Goal—And We Cannot Afford to Miss It.
Illinois Republicans are leading the charge against Pritzker and Johnson’s disastrous policies, but we can’t do it alone. We need every patriot in this fight with us.
If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to step up—this is it. Your donation tonight could be the difference between standing strong next week as Brandon Johnson is called to testify before Congress and President Trump delivers his State of the Union Address or falling behind.
Why This Deadline Matters
The resources we raise in the next several hours are critical to:
🚨 Counter Pritzker’s radical policies that are crushing our economy and driving families out of Illinois. 🚨 Expose Johnson’s failures on a national stage as he prepares to testify before Congress next week. 🚨 Support President Trump’s America First agenda has he delivers his State of the Union
Pritzker and Johnson are counting on us to fail. They believe we won’t have the resources to challenge them—that we won’t have the firepower to stand up for law and order, protect taxpayers, and put Illinois families first.
We must prove them wrong.
We are so close to hitting our goal, but we need a final surge of support before MIDNIGHT to cross the finish line. If everyone reading this email chips in just $10, $25, or even $50, we’ll be well positioned to take on these fights head on!
Illinois is Worth Fighting For
I know times are tough. I know many of you are tired of seeing Illinois being destroyed by failed leadership. But I also know this: we are fighters.
We have stood against corruption before, and we will do it again. We have held the line when others wavered, and we will do it again. We have never backed down from a battle for our state—and we sure aren’t going to start now.
But we can only win if we work together.
There are just a few hours left. If we don’t step up now, Pritzker, Johnson, and the radical Democrats will continue their destruction unchecked. We cannot let that happen.
Are you with us?
With urgency and determination,
Kathy Salvi Chair, Illinois Republican Party
Paid for by the Illinois Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. |
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