Friend -- my opponent and the super PAC aligned with her campaign spent millions of dollars trying to defeat me in the March primary.

In addition, a nameless super PAC (likely the same one aligned with my opponent) spent hundreds of thousands on illegal and unmarked mailers promoting a Republican candidate in our race. It was a shrewd attempt to manipulate the vote count and box me out of the General Election.

We were outspent 4:1. But we outperformed expectations and made it to the General Election anyway. That's because supporters like you stood with us every step of the way:

Sunday marks our end-of-month fundraising deadline and we set a goal of generating 1,500 online donations to help us keep pace with our opponents’ spending. Can I count on you to contribute $3 today?

Donate $3
We're building an unprecedented coalition in CA-53.

Labor unions, environmental groups, the California Democratic Party, local elected leaders, even leading Democrats like Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are unifying behind our campaign.

The truth is, we’re never going to compete in the money chase with our self-funding opponent and her super PAC. I still have a good feeling that our grassroots momentum can overcome her millions, but that’s impossible unless we must meet our own internal goals:

I’m asking personally. Will you make a $3 contribution to my campaign for Congress? Help me send a message that we're ready to overcome the odds and advance real progressive change in CA-53.

Donate $3

Thank you -- from the bottom of my heart,

Georgette Gómez