From Response-Requested (via Texas GOP) <[email protected]>
Subject whose side do you stand on?
Date May 29, 2020 8:05 PM
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America has a clear choice come November: we either defend our Constitution
and our Democracy or let Socialism win.

Make no mistake, John. Joe Biden has his eyes set on Texas, and we are the
last line of defense. 

It is now more crucial than ever to stand with President Trump and our fellow
Texas Republicans:
 DONATE $25 
<[link removed]>
 DONATE $50 
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<[link removed]>
This could be the biggest political fight of our generation, John. The
Democrats are coming, and we need your help to stop them. Help us reach our
end-of-month fundraising deadline so we can work together to stop the radical
socialist agenda >>>
<[link removed]>

Thank you for your support,

Texas GOP













Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate
or candidate's committee.

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