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Eagle Forum
February 28, 2025
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Contact Democratic Senators to Ask Them to Protect Women & Girls in Sports

Yes, you read that right! We need you to contact Democratic Senators and urge them to stand up for the rights of women and girls – in sports and schools. The Democrat party has consistently claimed to be “pro-woman”, and now is their opportunity to prove that they truly are champions of women by supporting the Protections of Women and Girls in Sports Act (S. 9).  We need at least 7 Democrats to vote in favor of cloture on the bill on Monday to get this vital bill passed.

We recently sent out an alert to contact your Senators to ask them to vote in favor of the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act (S. 9) to ensure that no federal funding is given to schools or organizations that allow males to compete in female sports. We often receive feedback that some of our supporters live in states where they only have Democratic Senators and any email to them would fall on deaf ears. While that seems to be the case on most issues, polls show that a vast majority of the American people from all political parties support keeping boys out of girls' sports.

This year, the New York Times surveyed the public and nearly 80% do not want males who identify as women in women’s sports. Of that percentage, 67% of respondents were Democrats. Anyone who has played sports or has a daughter in sports understands the biological advantage that males have over females. 

Leftist feminist groups have spoken out against the transgender agenda, including the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) and the Women’s Declaration International USA who have advocated strongly for single-sex sports teams. Even Bill Maher has questioned the Democrats' blind adherence to letting boys in girls’ sports, saying, “That’s why Democrats lost the election.”

We must have the votes of at least seven (7) Democratic Senators to vote for cloture on Monday for the bill to advance.

Please contact your Democrat Senators and ask them to support S. 9, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports. The cloture vote is scheduled for Monday, March 3rd.

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Email your Senators
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