Dear John,

The murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police is being protested around the country. Read the Party’s statement and sign these petitions by MoveOn and Reclaim the Block. Join the ACLU's campaign for an independent prosecutor by phoning the Minnesota governor today. Finally, send us a photo of you with a sign showing your support of justice for George Floyd, like the one below. Email your photo to [email protected].


This Week @CPUSA: The police murder of George Floyd and protests.

The demand for “jobs or income now” is more urgent as the economic crisis deepens. Read about one comrade’s experience in the 1980s JOIN movement and the lessons for today.


This week’s Specter podcast, “Neurodiversity under Capitalism,” features an interview with autism advocate and author Jose Santiago.


The Marxist IQ, issued on Memorial Day, is concerned with issues of war and peace. What’s your score?


Read the latest International Notes about Israel and Palestine, Italy, South Africa, and Chile.


Memo to Protesters is a moving appeal to those marching in state capitals against the governors’ stay-at-home orders.


After the pandemic subsides, which will it be, the status quo or a reinvigoration of an old idea—the commons?


This webinar on tactics for fighting white supremacy and the fascist danger was presented after the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017. With the recent right-wing rallies in state capitals, the ideas presented here remind us of what needs to be done.


June 3, 12:00 pm Eastern Time: Join us for a Specter podcast conversation with Aritz Rodriguez Galan, President of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, on the international anti-imperialist youth’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Register here.

We're reaching out to comrades and friends all over the country to join with us in building a united campaign against unemployment. The time has come to organize
unemployment councils that would bring together labor and community groups to fight the economic crisis.


If you want to help out, please pledge to do so!  Pledging means that you'll help out in any way you can: circulating PW articles, sharing memes, joining a car caravan,  making a phone call, helping a comrade or friend in need. It can also mean helping at the local level to build a coalition of workers to fight this crisis.

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

For the Website Collective


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