From Seneca - TX Freedom Network <[email protected]>
Subject 🚨 MARCH 11 is VOUCHER DAY 🚨
Date February 28, 2025 7:36 PM
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Go time is almost here, John!
On Tuesday, March 11, the House Public Education Committee is hosting a public hearing on HB 3, the big bad private school voucher bill . It's time to show up to protect our public schools! [[link removed]]
We've beaten voucher scams session after session, and we can do it again. Here's how you can help, whether you're here in Austin or all the way up in Amarillo ✊
Register to testify & drop a card against HB 3 [[link removed]] Contact your legislators with our HB 3 action form [[link removed]]
You can also donate to our Rapid Response Fund [[link removed]] to ensure we have the resources to continue responding quickly and effectively to urgent threats like this.
Donate to the Rapid Response Fund [[link removed]]
More about private school vouchers:
For more than 60 years, far-right legislators in Texas have been hellbent on passing vouchers, also called “education savings accounts” or “ESAs." Under vouchers, taxpayer dollars would be taken away from public schools—which are already severely underfunded—to subsidize tuition at unregulated private and religious schools.
Neighborhood public schools accept all students, but voucher schemes divert public tax dollars to private and religious schools that can deny admission or educational services to any student, including students with disabilities, students from different religious faiths, or students or parents who are LGBTQIA+. Legislators must not allow private and religious schools to discriminate while taking our tax dollars.
I hope you can join us on March 11, whether physically [[link removed]] or digitally [[link removed]] , to tell legislators—for the umpteenth time—that our public dollars belong in public schools!
In community,
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Seneca Savoie (he/him)
TFN Organizing Director
P.S. Here's a not-so-fun fact: Even with vouchers, the vast majority of Texas families still wouldn't be able to afford tuition at most private schools. It's a scam , y'all.
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TFN is a statewide non-partisan, grassroots organization that is building an informed and effective movement working toward equality and social justice.
Texas Freedom Network
P.O. Box 1624
Austin, TX 78767
United States
Phone: (512) 322-0545
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