MassGOP Condemns Governor Healey and Democratic Supermajority’s Reckless $425 Million Spending on Migrant Crisis

Boston, MA – The Massachusetts Republican Party strongly condemns the latest decision by Governor Maura Healey and the Democratic supermajority to allocate another $425 million in taxpayer funds to the ongoing migrant crisis. This reckless spending—pushed through under the guise of reform—does nothing to stem the flow of migrants into the state, nor does it improve the dangerous and unsustainable conditions in overcrowded shelters where crime has run rampant.

“This is yet another example of Democrats prioritizing politics over public safety and fiscal responsibility,” said MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale. “They claim this supplemental budget includes reforms, but in reality, these so-called changes are purely for show. They fail to address the root cause of this crisis and leave Massachusetts taxpayers on the hook for billions.”

While Republicans have offered numerous pragmatic solutions—including meaningful residency requirements without loopholes, stronger oversight of spending and procurement, and a commitment to prioritizing Massachusetts residents—Democrats have rejected these common-sense amendments time and again.

“It’s an absolute disgrace,” Carnevale continued. “The state is facing a fiscal crisis, with massive revenue shortfalls caused by an exodus of wealth and businesses fleeing Massachusetts. Meanwhile, municipalities are struggling to keep their own budgets afloat, yet Democrats continue to throw taxpayer dollars at a broken system with no plan to fix it.”

Republicans stand firm: The reckless spending must stop. The only viable path forward is through real, enforceable reforms—something Democrats have refused to consider.

“Governor Healey, Speaker Mariano, and Senate President Spilka are not governing in the best interest of Massachusetts residents,” Carnevale concluded. “They are catering to their political base at the expense of taxpayers, public safety, and even the well-being of individuals using the EA shelter system.”

The MassGOP calls on Democratic leaders to put Massachusetts residents first, end the wasteful spending, and enact true reforms before it’s too late.


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