
Imagine dedicating your life to public service—helping veterans access their benefits, ensuring Social Security checks go out on time, keeping our air travel safe, and protecting the environment. Now imagine being told your job is expendable, your contract doesn’t matter, and your rights as a worker are up for debate. This is the reality for hundreds of thousands of federal workers right now, as they face a wave of attacks on their livelihoods. 


Across agencies, federal workers are being targeted with threats of mass layoffs, budget cuts, and outright intimidation. The billionaire class—led by figures like Elon Musk—is pushing an agenda that undermines civil servants, stripping away their job security and weakening the unions that protect them. Their goal is clear: dismantle the public sector piece by piece, replacing it with corporate control where profit trumps the needs of everyday Americans.


But federal workers are fighting back. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the largest federal employee union, is mobilizing to defend these workers and the services they provide to millions of Americans. AFGE has made it clear: they will not stand by while the civil service is dismantled. 


We urge you to contact your lawmakers and demand an end to these attacks!




AZ AFL-CIO Legislative Committee Meetings








Celebrating Black History Month


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