From Rep. John Burkel <[email protected]>
Subject Legislative News from Rep. John Burkel
Date February 28, 2025 6:58 PM
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Hello from St. Paul,


This week, the House Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee discussed two of my bills: HF271 and HF601. These bills aim to provide compensation to farmers for crop or fence damage caused by elk, as well as for livestock killed or injured by wolves.


Currently, under the wolf depredation program, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) compensates livestock owners for animals that are killed or injured by wolves. The compensation amount is based on the fair market value determined by the MDA in consultation with a university extension agent. In Kittson County, the sheriff's department has been trained to carry out depredation assessments due to the high incidence of wolf-related damage.


Similarly, the elk depredation program allows the MDA to compensate landowners for crop or fence damage caused by elk. An authorized agent, appointed by the MDA, investigates and estimates the value of the damage.


HF601 is an appropriation for fiscal year 2025, addressing the issue that current funding for depredation has been depleted. Meanwhile, HF271 is intended to secure funding for wolf and elk depredation for the years 2026-27.



It’s time to put the Northstar commuter rail line out of its misery.


For more than 15 years, this rail line, which runs from Minneapolis to Big Lake, has been nothing but a money pit for the State of Minnesota as its trains run practically empty.


How bad is it? Even Governor Walz’s transportation commissioner and the Metropolitan Council said this week the line is not cost effective transit and they are looking into replacing it with bus service.


Because ridership is so low, taxpayers are basically paying $115 in subsidies for every passenger that boards.


Yet there’s no state money available to get township roads replaced up here.


This week the Minnesota House transportation committee approved a bill that would request federal approval to shut down the Northstar Line. If we do nothing, taxpayers will continue to waste billions of dollars from now until the end of time on a rail line hardly anyone uses.


Lawmakers need to use some common sense here and shut this thing down.



A big thank you to Kent Broten for making the trip down to St. Paul again this year to advocate for the Minnesota Historical Society. History Matters Day at the Capitol provides an opportunity to share the work of Minnesota Historical Society and other history partners and to encourage advocates to meet with their legislators to urge them to help in efforts to preserve history.




Enjoyed catching up with Bailey Maurstad as she and her fellow classmates stopped by my office to advocate for the Minnesota Society of Radiologic Technologists. Their goal is to establish minimum educational standards and competencies and a clearly defined scope of practice to ensure quality radiologist interpretation, diagnosis and treatment and improve patient safety.




The Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers was in St. Paul this week to update legislators on their 2025 legislative priorities. It was great to visit with Erik Younggren about funding the Ag Special within the University of Minnesota’s budget, the Wheat Growers priority to continue the Agriculture Research, Education, Extension and Technology Transfer (AGREETT) Fund at the Department of Agriculture, and pesticide licensing issues.




A very busy week in the Agriculture Finance and Policy committee and I was glad to see my fellow turkey producers flocking to the Capitol to share their stories and testify to our committee members about the importance of funding for the Board of Animal Health and Emergency Response funding for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Avian influenza continues to be a threat to the industry as well as Avian Metapneumovirus, a new virus challenging the Minnesota turkey producers.




I appreciated the opportunity to connect with a large group of county commissioners from Northwest Minnesota this week. Our counties are very concerned about the governor’s budget proposal released in January, which includes significant cost shifts to county governments in the area of human services. Additionally, I had the chance to discuss in more detail the urgent need for expanded capacity in mental health services, as well as the challenges our counties face due to the shortage of treatment beds across the state.



Please Contact Me

My door is always open to the needs and priorities of our area. Please feel free to let me know if I can be of assistance to you and your family.

I am here to serve you!

John Burkel

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