From International Mission Board <[email protected]>
Subject Answer the Call: Support Bibles for the Unreached
Date February 28, 2025 6:29 PM
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International Mission Board

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More than half the world's population lives without access to the Word of God
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Give Bibles to people groups around the world.

Give Bibles to people groups around the world.

More than half the world's population lives without access to the Word of God
in their language.

Would you consider providing Bibles to people groups who have yet to hear
God's Word?

Your gift travels, reaching different parts of the globe. It gives a voice to
God's Word in languages previously untouched by Scripture. It fills the silence
with the hope and joy that comes from knowing Jesus.

Your gift results not just in a book passed along, but a life changed —

Change a life for eternity
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We are close to raising $4 million to provide Bibles for people in need of
the Scripture.

You can be the reason a community hears of Jesus for the first time by making
a gift of any amount. 100% of your gift will go towards providing these Bibles.

Give a Bible today
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