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Maine Forest Service

In this issue...

Webinar – Preserving Ash for the Future

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025 

Time: 12:00 to 1:00 PM 

Location: Virtual Webinar 

Sponsored/Hosted by: Sponsored by the Vermont Land Trust 

It’s not too late to preserve ash!  

As the Emerald Ash Borer makes its way into our forests, we have an opportunity to mitigate the loss of ash trees and help preserve ash trees for the future.  

Join us to learn about strategies that landowners, foresters, conservation organizations, and community leaders can employ to promote well-adapted forests that include ash in the future. This event is perfect for landowners, foresters, and community forest managers.  


  • Dr. Tony D’Amato - Professor in Silviculture & Forest Ecology, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont   
  • Paul Catanzaro - Professor, State Extension Forester, University of Massachusetts   

For those interested, forester continuing education credits (1.0 CFE credit) will be available through theSociety of American Foresters. 


FRA Forestry Forum Meeting

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025 

Time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM 

Location: Jeff’s Catering – 15 Littlefield Way, Brewer, ME 

Forest Information Trends, Undercurrents, and Developments Wil Mercier, Principal, Global Resource Analytics  Forest technology is constantly evolving and impacts the ways we gather, manage, and use forest management information.  Looking at broader trends and underlying drivers can help us to understand and keep up with these technology developments.  Wil Mercier, from Global Resource Analytics, will join us to discuss a variety of recent technologies, their role in forest management, and what several trends mean for forest technology and information in the near future. 

Pre-registration is requested for an accurate headcount. It is $30 for members and $40 for non-members. Registration is payable at the door via cash, credit or check. Please contact [email protected] for more information.  

School of Forest Resources, University of Maine – Speaker Series

Dates/Times: Wednesdays 12:00 to 12:50 PM  

Organizer : Dr.Anil Raj Kizha, Associate Professor.  

Moderators : Dr.Libin T.Louis, Assistant Professor, University of Maine at Fort Kent & Harikrishnan Soman, Doctoral Graduate Research Assistant, School of Forest Resources, University of Maine, Orono  


  • March 5, 2025: Brian Milakovsky (Senior Forester, New England Forestry Foundation) - Land Use History, Climate Change, and War Drive Forest Cover Loss in Eastern Ukraine. Lloyd Irland (Faculty Associate, School of Forest Resources, University of Maine) – Ukraine’s Red Zone. What does it Mean?   
  • March 12, 2025: Amelia Baxter (CEO and co-founder of WholeTrees Structures) – Exploring the Potential of Solid Structural Timber (SST) as a Sustainable Alternative to Conventional Mass Timber 
  • April 2, 2025:  Dr.Rose Abramoff (Assistant Professor, School of Forest Resources, University of Maine) - The Hidden Half of Forests. 
  • April 9, 2025: Dr.B.Mohankumar (Former Vice-Chancellor of Arunachal University of Studies, Namsai, India, and former Assistant Director General of Agronomy, Agroforestry & Climate Change at the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi) – A Legacy of Trees: The History of Forestry in India from Vedic Times to the Present  
  • April 23, 2025: Peter R. Stein (Managing Director, The Lyme Timber Company) – Forestland investments focused on conservation values


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