Dear Friend,
I recently spent time with the Glacier National Park leadership team and came away inspired, humbled, and focused. These are difficult times. The changing landscape presents significant operational challenges for our park partners.
The grace and courage with which Glacier National Park staff are meeting this moment is inspiring. Their work has gotten harder, and the hurdles to implementing that work greater. And yet they remain committed to and focused on one thing: the NPS mission to preserve “unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.”
It’s an honor to be a part of this important work. I’ve communicated to our park partners that thanks to the community of caring of which you are a critical part, the Glacier Conservancy is well-positioned to help. We are focused on our mission to preserve and protect this special place, and thanks to your support and an incredible team we are ready, motivated, and committed.
I stand proudly with this amazing group of public servants, and believe deeply in the value of public service. With your help and the dedication of our park partners, I look forward to continuing in our shared work of protecting one of America’s greatest natural treasures.
What we do for Glacier matters now more than ever and your ongoing support makes everything we do possible.
In gratitude,